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How I Work
A Registered Psychologist in Abbotsford, BC
Often, when people make the first appointment with me, they have been struggling with issues that they have found difficult to manage on their own. They often worry the problems may not change and come to therapy feeling discouraged.
My approach is from a client-centered perspective. As a therapist, my goal is to work directly with clients to help them understand themselves better and to move toward healing and growth in a supportive environment. I believe therapy can often be challenging but I make efforts to ensure clients can manage the pace of treatment. Clients are encouraged to build on their strength and make improvements so they feel better connected to themselves and the people around them.
The Areas in Which I Have Been Able to Assist Clients Include
My Therapy Techniques
In the initial sessions, I evaluate clients’ needs and determine which type of therapy would be most beneficial. Therapy is a catalyst for change, and I look to find the best way for clients to grow and move forward. The approaches I most commonly use include: